Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton on the APEC summit
Topic for September 2007 Discussion groupWelcome one and all to our discussion group, and tonight we summon all of great light to broadcast this light in a joint effort to raise mass consciousness. During this discussion night you will hear words such as expansive, incorporated light, and enhanced capacity. These are key words.Let your mind expand and hold focus for this time of revelation, that as light comes so too do actions and energies of those who oppose the greater light to come. We have called you all together tonight to give a gift to the world, one which will give a burst of light so great into the mass consciousness that this expansion of consciousness makes it possible for closed minds to open, if only a little to give to the world a gift far more beautiful than now experienced. Now we are offering you a chance to change this way your world functions. Its now exactly one day that this Apex Summit has officially commenced, but energies are not high enough, are rigid and stubborn arrogance is there, where individual countries see only their own economic rationalism as all important. We plan to change that with incorporated light being burst into the grid system, so hearts and minds are opened to the fullness of possibilities.Australia is a lucky country they say, perhaps, or perhaps it is placed that way to hold balance for the world in general, the northern hemisphere, and in this discussion group tonight we intend to change the format and the function to complement and structure a new possibility to be in place, so automated practises of lip service to a cause is not in place, and hearts and minds are capable of staying open, and seeing the bigger picture,This will be our greatest gift yet that light can overcome darkness, and those who represent darkness and hold energies not wholesome will soon be seen by all as closed, but be given a chance to change their limited thinking. We offer you this gift, that you offer up your own opinions on these potentially inflammable subjects, that you discuss and broaden your own views, but also see what may be possible outcomes for the benefit of the whole.To structure this discussion group this way we ask that each individual be given the opportunity to speak on each highly explosive subject, and to broadcast their views and energies out if coming from love, this will aid the whole, and we urge you to come from higher energies.We ask you to try to see this potential for positive change, and do not back away from giving your innermost thoughts. It’s so important that you do not hold back on your feelings, but seek to come from a clear space. The subject areas are these so you may consider these the questions to be answered. Please don’t all say I agree with so and so, so as to avoid deep thoughts and confrontation of beliefs.1. How can the world, countries who continue to hold each other at bay, or to fill individual needs for resources, and finance internal needs alone, how can this be done without taking unfair advantage of others?2. When one country is seen as by all as a world power and one which is ALL powerful, how does this implication come about and remain there if not by the implied and contorted reference to power as the ‘be all?3. How can you describe a country as all-powerful, if the fundamental values of that country are flawed by greed or potential lust for what others have?4. How does this impact upon the whole?5. Is an all-powerful country sustainable?6. Is the cost of this sustainment of an image worth the effort?7. Is there a worthy world policeman?8. Or is there a continued view of the world with one nation pulling the strings to be seen as all powerful?9. Is there a Messianic view which underscores the nation, which considers itself the world policeman?10. How do other nations hold a valued stand as potential allies without in some way giving away their own values to achieve the status of ally?11. When one nation has leaders who consider themselves as beyond laws, and when the negotiable rights of individuals or nations are unvalued where does this take civilisation?12. What value is there to life without values, and upholding all as equal?13. Does democratic rights mean having the right to determine another countries direction and laws?All these are part and parcel of a much greater problem now, of homage being paid to economic rationalism, and values and ethical demands held hostage, being put on hold, or on the backburner so to speak. This Summit which takes place in Australia in Sydney, carries with it a very heavy price, the humbling of nations to appease a lesser light, economic rationalism, while the good of all nations, the laws to protect human values is put at risk.Whenever economic rationalism is put into practice, something has to give, and in this case it is human rights and the value placed upon the environment, and there is no more crucial subject for discussion than this. We ask you to look at these questions and ask them of the general population. Put it on your website and bog sites.Let it be that you have faith in your own opinions.You are the shape shifters of the future, you in your formulative stages have entered into this discussion on many subjects, but by far the most important question you can ask of yourselves now is to speak out about wrongs,14. Do I represent the mass of humanity who allow their future to be determined for them without questioning, without speaking out?Perhaps the way to protect peace is to create it with love as the key, to look at those massive problems within humanity and not say it is all to hard, to big, I can’t change any thing.For the period of time humanity is now entering is a trial by combat with ego’s, of nations egos, of individuals who see power as the greatest of gifts to achieve or take.We issue you with this warning, environmentally, socially, humanity is entering unchartered waters. The problems which are created by a world of the haves and have nots, of one nation seen as almighty is to be challenged, and the under lying reason for this challenge will be that politics have gone out the window so to speak. . . . . . . human rights, goodness & virtue seen as tradeable, for a take of the power, or to be seen at side of power.Power is there for all equally to be shared. Power as love flows from God, and no one nation is seen as almighty, noble, and beyond rules of conduct and legitimacy.What comes to humanity is a checking system, where action brings reaction, & wrong action; those decisions which are not wholesome reap a reward, costly, sadly to many innocents along the way. We see this as a gift of love to put your views out, but try to come from love, not criticism for its own sake. We see potentials for humanity which come quickly now of your own creation, but they can be minimised by changing the status quo, where economic rationalism is king.Balance is needed in all things, and without balance the top-heavy fall. See this please as a gentle reminder that love is the key. To share equitably with all nations is possible. To live without treading upon other nations is possible, and to avoid the future we see as developing there must be a return to the notion of the uniting of all nations, (United Nations) and if there are flaws or inadequacies in the present system, then repair them.Do not see a world where one massive power or nation is the way, it was never God’s way . . .. A gentle hand in velvet grove is always better than to breed such hatred in the hearts and minds of those seen as less.We enter a time where humanity needs direction to guide them through troubled waters, but we can only guide. It is you, individuals, who can actively change a world, and it is in a forum of discussion change comes. Look please gently at these topics for us and set your world alight, but with love, not hatred and envy, they are hard masters & require great payment.Your loving response and awareness can shift the whole. Do this with total awareness you are all part of the problem, each have at times values not honoured, words not said. How can understanding come if all is not open and upon the table, it is so with nations as well?Blessings.Sandro Bottecelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Newton.
Posted by Creative Spirit at 11:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: APEC, Environment, George. W.Bush, John Howard
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli on APEC Summit
Posted by
Creative Spirit
1:42 am
Labels: Apec, Environment, Global Responsibility
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